-- You may receive password in ONE hour! *
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* All orders for Service Passwords and Codes are proceeded through e-mail. Please specify what is interested and required for you, and we will contact you in 24 hours.
Service Password (or Service Key, or even Service Code) is a special password that used by service engineers and service technicians to get access into Service Menu (or Service Mode). Service Menu contains service functions used for reconfiguration and fixing problems of MRI scanners like MAGNETOM Skyra, MAGNETOM Quantum, and CT scanners like SOMATOM Plus 4 Power, SOMATOM Definition AS, SOMATOM Sensation Open, SOMATOM Huan Yue Shuang, and others. Also Service Menu is used for scanner maintenance or installation, and supporting scanners under service contracts.
To access "Service Menu" engineer must have a site-specific variable Service Password that usually acquired from scanner's manufacturer (Siemens, Philips, GE and Toshiba provides these passwords for special price). If support contract is not expired yet, this variable password is written in scanner's manual or other documents. In other cases service company needs to buy new service password or service key to continue support system. This process takes a long time usually. In particular, if you have no direct business ties and contacts in manufacturer's company. Our experience and business contacts in this area allow us to significantly reduce delivery time and significantly reduce the cost of the service. We do this work instead of you and we do this work for you! Make your service contract more profitable!
These passwords (keys) have a different access levels: low level passwords allow only software diagnostics, scanner tests and view logs; high level password allows to open calibration menues and do all available actions. Also passwords have an expiration date (time period when they are active): one week, one month or one year.
SIEMENS CT/MRI Scanner Service PasswordOrder Service Password for SIEMENS SOMATOM Plus S, SOMATOM Emotion 6, MAGNETOM Expert, MAGNETOM Trio, and other scanners |
PHILIPS CT/MRI Scanner Service Code |
GE (General Electric) CT/MRI Scanner Service Password and OptionsOrder License Options and Service Password for GE (General Electric) CT, MRI and Ultrasound scanners |
TOSHIBA CT/MRI Scanner Service Password and Service Key |
Order Service Password and Options for ULTRASONIX SonixTOUCH, SonixOP, SonixMDP and other scanners
You can easy request a FREE trial Service Password. It will be sent to you immediately after required information about scanner system will be received by us. This password will have an expiration date (it will expire in one day or one week - depending on scanner type), and this service key will be restricted to lowest level access, because it is a FREE trial, and it purpose is to show password service quality only.
To request trial service password, please contact us by mail (click on link), and provide following information about scanner and system: scanner manufacturer (vendor) and scanner type (name). All other details will be asked depending on provided information. You can write all details that you know about your scanner, including previously used variable service password or service key (if you know it).
NOTE: Currently free trial Service Passwords and demo Service Keys available for most of the SIEMENS scanners only.
* Actual for most of the SIEMENS Service Password and some of GE License Options. Service Keys and Service Passwords for scanners of other manufacturers may be provided in longer time. Delivery time is depend on some parameters that explained before order processing.